Who We Are

What Is This Blog About?

Book Away is Young Adult (YA) genre, book review blog. All posts are made by avid fans of the genre, who do not get paid to do write reviews, and are currently college students.


You can contact me at book.away [at] hotmail [dot] com for any reason!

You can also find me on:
Twitter: @quietlykeen
Goodreads: Karina

*Edit* I'm sorry I can't accept review requests at this time!

She is an amazing friend who stuck with me when I told her about this crazy idea I had for a book blog. Though she has bowed down from her responsibilities here at Book Away, she will always have a place. Because this blog never would have gotten here without her help.


April: Aly is a figment of our imagination.  Actually, Aly was Karina's alias when she first began this blog, and we never really got around to changing the url...

Karina: Tis true. Aly was my alias when I was paranoid that people would try to come attack me if I used my real name. I'm glad I've grown out of that phase. And we did try to change the url, then there were mishaps and then we couldn't find it and April actually has a post about it I think...

For publishers and authors:

If you want to send us a copy of your book so we can read it and review it, then please do so! We prefer to read YA books, ranging in genre but we also read adult fiction and possibly others. Basically, drop us an email and we will see what we can do.

Please, be aware that both of us are in our junior year of high school, so our lives are pretty much revolving around school work, grades, and college preparation. So, if we are unable to read your book now, try again in what would be our vacation times (i.e. thanksgiving (four days long), winter break, spring break, summer break) and we will most likely be able to read them then. We'll hold a 24 hour read-a-thon if need be.

*Edit* I am sincerely sorry, but I cannot accept books for review at this time!  However if you're interested in a guest post, hosting a giveaway, blog tour, etc., feel free to contact me!