November 3, 2013

You Know:

You know when you're blog is dead when out of your 391 followers,  only 4 have entered to win a free, signed copy of Ally Carter's 3rd Gallagher Girl book, Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover.

Giveaway ends November 22, 2013. Find the post, enter to win.

11/4 Edit: Yeah so I realize that seems kind of whinny. What I wrote. But I would just like to say that the last time we gave away an Ally Carter book, we had 103 entries. Before that we gave away Terrier by Tamora Pierce and that had 151 entries.

But now we're at 12 last time I checked! Woohoo! Except I guess now you're chances to win have been lowered. Whoops. 


  1. if i was in the US i would have entered believe me but sadly it's not for international and perhaps you have a lot of international followers?

  2. That's true. We do, oddly, have a large number of viewers from Russia. Привет друзья!

    We'll have an international one one day. When we have money. Promise.

    1. thank you and yes sometimes we are surprised by who loves us^^ i did send this contest to my us friend ( some are followers but missed it^^;;)
