August 6, 2011

The Saskatoon Balloon Official Book Trailer!

Hey guys!

We've got an awesome book trailer to show you all! It first came to our attention thanks to Kate O'Hegarty, author of Mieradome and it's sequel The Saskatoon Balloon (which will be released around December 2011). Check it out:

Cool huh? Well it definitely caught my attention and now both books have been added to my to-read list. As soon as I can get my hands on copies of the books, you can be expecting a review.

Here's the summary from Goodreads for Mieradome:

Mieradome pulls the reader into a unique fantasy world of faeries and technology, a different take on the Alice in Wonderland concept. The story revolves around a young girl named Amavia who believes she is a human girl, but slowly comes to find she is a faery in the world of Mieradome. Slowly who Amavia was began to unravel to show the truth; the truth that she just may be the evil they need to destroy. This is the first novel in a series, and gives a glimpse of what is to come for the main character Amavia. Fans of the Harry Potter series and His Dark Materials will definitely enjoy this adventure.

Keep checking back for more updates on this series!



  1. Wow! The trailer looks awesome! I'm putting this on my wishlist.

  2. This is a really beautifully done book trailer! Great post and happy Sunday!

    Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)

  3. love this trailer with its costumes and air balloons. must finish reading mieradome.
