February 27, 2012

In Which April Is Lame (What Else Is New?)

So since late December and early January, I've tried pretty hard to post at least 2-3 times a week.  And it's been going pretty well.  I usually try to do one review a week and then a meme or random post like a cover reveal.

But this past week I have kind of realized that blogging can't be one of my top priorities right now.  I really admire all the bloggers who can post everyday and still make time for school work, but I'm not really one of those people.  I also haven't read a book all February.  And it's kind of hard to crank out reviews for books you read several months ago.

I will still definitely be around, it will not be like my random disappearing act last year.  But honestly right now, I don't know what the future posting will be like.  I also partially wanted to write this post to say that I don't know if I (this is just me personally, I am not speaking on behalf of both myself and Karina) will be blogging in the long run.   I love books, I love posting and spreading love for books, but I do not think blogging is the thing for me.  Hopefully this is just some weird slump, but honestly I have kind of felt like this for a while.

So yeah, I just wanted to get that out there, sorry guys. :(

1 comment:

  1. I really feel like this is your resignation letter that you just didn't want to send me. Because let's be honest here, since the year has started, you have done so much mroe than I have.
