February 1, 2012

Cover Reveal: Blood Moon by Alyxandra Harvey

Blood Moon (Drake Chronicles #5) by Alyxandra Harvey
Publication: June 2012 by Bloomsbury
From the author's site:

The POVs are: Solange, Lucy and Nicholas.

When the vampire tribes convene for the rare Blood Moon ceremonies, Solange’s fight with her feral nature, a mysterious stranger, family secrets and forbidden magic put all of the Drakes in danger.
I know it's lame to be excited for the 5th book of a series when you've only read the first... but squeeee! Lucy and Nicholas <3

I like how this cover follows the new US covers, and I like how Lucy and Nicholas are on the cover (*insert more squee-ing*)  Not sure if I like it as much as Bleeding Hearts or Ruling Passion, but I approve :)

And if you were unawares... there's also a cover for the e-novella coming out in February!

A Killer First Date by Alyxandra Harvey
Publication: February 14th, 2012 by Bloomsbury
From the author's site:

A story about Lucy and Nicholas, Hunter and Quinn, taking place between “Out for Blood” and “Bleeding Hearts”.
Is it lame to be excited for a short story that features characters that you haven't even heard of?  Yes.  But I am.

I like how this cover follows with the new design of the US covers, but I'm not too sure how I feel about the ferris wheel with the border pattern... Personally I think the ferris wheel is a bit too colorful and kind of clashes with the fancy border, but ah well.

I also wanted to bring up the US vs UK covers. Before, I really liked the UK covers, but now I like the new design of the US covers that Bleeding Hearts and the Ruling Passion (Drake Chronicles #1-3) omnibus have, and that Blood Moon has.

US Covers:

UK Covers:

The US version of Bleeding Hearts may be my favorite out of all of the covers :)  I also like the UK Blood Feud cover.  I am a bit sad that the US covers do not all match, but I think the new design is a great improvement over the old ones :)

What do you think about the Blood Moon and A Killer First Date covers? Do you like the US or UK covers better?  We'd love to know your thoughts!


  1. i like the us covers SO MUCH better :)
    do you know if theres gonna be a us cover for blood moon?

  2. Replies
    1. Hmm if there is, I haven't seen it yet... but I shall be on the lookout :)
