June 1, 2011

Giveaway Winners

I can't believe it! Our first giveaway has come to an end!! Thanks to all those who participated and who now follow our blog! We recieved 245 enteries (including the double entry for those who followed. We got everyone who commented too! Sorry the thing wasn't working.) April and I are extremely excited and hope to start dishing out some awsome book reviews, giveaways and what ever we fancy this summer. So stay tuned for that.

And now, thanks to Random.org we announce the winners of the Splash into Summer Giveaway:

First Place:
Mary Ward

Second Place:
Charla Wilson/booktalkwithcharla

Third Place:
Hira Hasnain/~Enamored Soul~

Winners will be receivng an email within the next couple a days about their book choice! I'd do it right now
but I'm supposed to be studying for another final (you guys are worth the procrastination!)

If you didn't win today, that's alright! As I mentioned, we're planning on doing more this summer and we still
have many of books and other goodies to giveaway so don't give up!

Happy Readings!

Karina and April

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