June 27, 2011

Ally Carter Signing and Surprise!

Okay, so for all you who remember, April and I went to Ally Carter's book signing today!

I recorded the Q&A session for you! But it's sideways, most because I forgot the thing didn't change when I flipped it. And well movie maker isn't allowing me to cut the segement into seperate movies and upload them on youtube. So until that is figured out you'll have to wait for that.

Here's a picture from the St. Louis County Library Flickr page.  We're sitting in the 2nd-ish row.  Karina is sitting behind the girl with the pink ribbon in her hair, and I'm on her left :)

Ally Carter 6.27.11

Also, here's the surprise:

WE'RE GIVING AWAY A SIGNED COPY OF UNCOMMON CRIMINALS! Get excited! Just fill out the form below for a chance to win! Giveaway until July 15th at Midnight!

US only, sorry international peeps :'( We'll try to have an international giveaway soon!

*We're adding in an Uncommon Criminals key chain, and a pin/sticker we got from the event*

Guys, you're awesome if you're following Ally Carter on twitter.  But the Follower box is for if you're an email subscriber to our blog or a Google Friend Connect follower.  Just wanted to clarify, sorry for any confusion!


  1. I love going to author events! How fun for you. I've enjoyed reading Ally Carter's books. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Awesome! I've never been to an author event, but they sound like so much fun. :)

  3. Thanks for this great giveaway! Just finished Heist Society and love Ms. Carter's fast paced international thrill ride. How annoying--that technology can be so advanced and yet there is no quick fix for the video.

  4. Wow, nice! I hope you had a great time :) I loved Heist Society so I can't wait to get my hands on this one. I won't be entering the giveaway since I'm in Canada but thanks anyways!

  5. @Aimee Ally Carter is pretty awesome :) I've unfortunately have only read one of her books, but super excited to read more :) Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    @Jennie Author events are fun, you should go if you ever have an author stop by :) Even if you're as socially awkward as I am lol. Thanks for entering, crossing my fingers for you!

    @kourtneyheintz I've only read her Heist Society book, but I definitely need to read Uncommon Criminals soon :) And yes on the technology! lol hopefully Karina will be able to get it up, and if not, we can just post some interesting tidbits or just the audio. Thanks for entering, and good luck!

    @The Story Queen Sorry we didn't include Canada :'( One of these days I'll figure out the postal system lol. Hopefully we'll do that in the near future :) Thank you for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated :)

  6. Thank you SO much for this awesome giveaway opportunity! :D I've heard that this book is amazing, so I'd love for a chance to read/win it! :D

    GFC Follower: ~Enamored Soul~
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  7. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I've REALLY been wanting this book!

  8. @ ~Enamored Soul~ and Jenny:

    Thanks for entering! I wish you both the best of luck in the giveaway! April and I hold these for blog followers like you and book lovers like us!

  9. Definitely want to read this ASAP!

  10. Ahh Can't wait to read this book, I have Heist on my shelf & plan to read it next, but I don't need to read it to know that I will love it because I am basically obsessed with the Gallagher Girls series. My Heist copy is signed so I would LOVE to have a matching signed copy of Uncommon Criminals (hopefully she'll tour the east coast again if I don't win, but that could be a while).
    Hope you had fun at the author events, I know I always do.
    Thanks bunches for hosting the giveaway too!!
    Email: gsgw4life666@hotmail.com

  11. Thanks! This is a great contest!!!

  12. what does follower [+1] mean?

  13. @Me My Shelf And I : Thanks! Good luck and I hope you win :D

    @Jill K : It means pluse one. So if you fill it in, you get one more entry.
