January 9, 2012

In My Mailbox (15)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme started by Kristi from The Story Siren where bloggers can share what books they've received and what they're planning on reviewing.
Hey guys! It's been so long! I haven't written a post since last year! (haha bet you haven't heard that one yet :P )

Anyway, I was just tooo excited to wait till later to post this IMM. Because, I finally have enough things to make up an entire IMM! (and for no reason trying to show up April's IMM....)

Okay, so today in the mail today, I got:

Swag. Be jealous of my swag.

The Vanish and Firelight mini little poster looking things are postcards.

I got two book marks: Nightspell and a signed (?) bookmark of imaginary girls.

I got three stickers: One big one of Incarnate. A little one of Incarnate which says One Fleeting Life and A Firelight sticker.

I got tatoos from A Daughter of Smoke and Bones

To top it off, I got a hand made bracelet!

And that's only the swag. Book wise, my package came with:

An ARC copy of Shatter Me:
And Eragon and Eldest in paperback, like these:
Only without the box.

And I won all this at Dot Hutchinson blog Scattered Pages and would love to thank her for hosting the giveaway.

But that's not all I got. Over the break, or just a little before then, I got this poster in the mail.

Beautiful, isn't it? It also came with a Hunger Games bookmark that looks just like this:
 I got these from Lisa via twitter: (@Dizneeee) (her blog: Dizneeee's Wonderful World of Books) She saw my plea for one on my twitter account and sent it to me! She's like my fairy godmother and I love her for it!!!

Now I am finally done. Guess you can see why I was so excited to share all this with you guys.

So what's in your mailbox this week?



  1. I've been wanting to read FIRELIGHT, it looks very good. I LOVE SHATTER ME, and I'm a big fan of the Hunger Gmaes, awesome stuff!


  2. Yay Hunger Games!! <3 And Shatter Me is awesome. Great haul!

    Xpresso Reads

  3. I got Shatter Me this week too! And, the Hunger Games poster and bookmark are awesome!

    Check out what's IMM at Des Absurdites!

  4. Aw, I'm jel of your Shatter Me! haha The Christopher Paolini books are great. Hope you enjoy your books!
