March 26, 2012

Cover Reveal: Water by Shauna Granger

Cover designed by Stephanie Mooney

Water (Elemental #3) by Shauna Granger
Publication: June 19th, 2012
Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy
Shayna's first surfing session of the summer is interrupted by the screams of a mother who has lost her little boy in the water. Without regard to her own safety, Shayna swims out, rescues the boy, but must escape the clutches of something far worse than she could have ever imagined – mermaids.

Compelled to answer the sirens' call, the boys of Shayna's town are drawn to the sea, but when they return are afflicted by an unknown illness, a sickness which is draining them of their life force. Unable to tell anyone about the mermaids, Shayna and her friends are forced to solve the mystery before it's too late, and in doing so, Shayna will finally have to face the full force of her powers. Whether she’s ready or not, she will have to face her true nature.
Shauna Granger's Blog
Facebook: Shauna Granger
Water on Goodreads

The Book Blog Tour will run July 23-27, 2012. Review blogs that fit the age group and genre interested in participating in the tour may sign-up here.  You can participate even if you are not able to review the book. Electronic review copies will be provided to those interested in reviewing for the tour. If you have not read the other books in the series, the first one, Earth, can be available for you to review on this tour. 

So, what are your thoughts on the cover? :)


  1. oh that is a gorgeous cover! Absolutely love it. Haven't heard of this series, but am definitely going to check it out.

    Ashelynn @ Gypsy Book Reviews.

  2. Thanks so much for joining the tour! So glad everyone's liking it!
