March 10, 2012

In My Mailbox (22)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme started by Kristi from The Story Siren where bloggers can share what books they've received and what they're planning on reviewing.
Fearless (#1-3) by Francine Pascal from Simon & Schuster and possible mysterious benefactor...

I'm really sorry but I cannot figure out if I won this from a giveaway and just forgot about it, or Simon & Schuster sent it to the wrong person, but thank you to whoever got this book into my hands :)

Won an audiobook of Cinder by Marissa Meyer from Heidi @YA Bibliophile

Really excited to listen to this one, it's been a while since I've listened to an audiobook, and I've heard really good things about Cinder!

What did you get in your mailbox this week?  Feel free to leave a link to your IMM in the comments and I'll go check it out :)


  1. haha, I love when mysterious boxes show up! It's always nice to get books! :)

    Also, I really need to read Cinder! I too have only read really good things about it, and gah, everybody tells me I need to read it right now! One day. One day.

    My IMM.

  2. Ooo These look really good!! I still need to read Cinder

  3. lucky!! I've really been dying to get Cinder! >.<
    Happy reading!

    here's what I got this week ->

  4. I'm dying at "Simon & Schuster and possible mysterious benefactor..." and "I'm really sorry but I cannot figure out if I won this from a giveaway and just forgot about it, or Simon & Schuster sent it to the wrong person, but thank you to whoever got this book into my hands :)" yaaay to free random books xD and Cinder sounds/looks awesome! Enjoy<3

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥
    -thank you&come again.

  5. I remember the Fearless series from Francine Pascal, I used to read them! I like how they did a bind-up :D Cinder was really great! Enjoy your books!

    Giselle @
    In My Mailbox #19
