March 9, 2012

Summer Fever Read-A-Thon

So, I decided to join the Summer Fever Read-a-thon, hosted by Grace at Words Like Silver.  Depending on where you live, now is a good time to celebrate summer/spring with summer/beach read books!  It technically starts tomorrow, March 10th... but I believe there is still time to sign up :)

Currently Reading:
Beauty Queens by Libba Bray (Gonna try to finish this one too!)

Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen (so I've realized this is not a summer themed book... but it's really good anyways lol)

So, I am the slowest reader in the world... and most likely will only be able to read one of these.  But I'll be updating my progress on this post!

1 comment:

  1. The story is simple enough to understand yet complex within the plot. It shows the struggle of a young girl adjusting to the change of being accepted when she was once neglected. Another major theme of the story is that reliving the past isn't going to get you anywhere in life. This book is perfect for those who feel like there is nothing out there for you in Life. For as long as I live, I'll never forget this book.
